C'est le nouveau jeu de voltige Humming Bird de niveaux le nouveau jeu de bêtises Humming Bird .
It's the new Humming Bird Hover game.100's of levels
It's the new Humming Bird Hover game.
100's of levels
Use your wings and guide your little flying friend past the cactus weeds who have taken over the sky and leave. Be careful not to fly too close to the cactus or they will poison you and your trail will come to an end.
The game play is simple but the challenge is certainly not. Can you beat other players world wide? Compete against friends and be the top of the world wide leader board.
Will you throw your mobile/tablet out the window trying?
1. Remember its not a tapping game.
2. Keep down finger on fly button Humming Bird will keep hover in air, (No tapping) just keep putting finger.
3. use Left / Right buttons to fly in either direction.
Happy flying.