Consolide les formules d'ingénierie et leur donner des formulaires de calcul. Cette application consolide autant que possible de l'ingénierie importante pour
Consolidates engineering formulae & give them life thru calculation forms.
Cette application se consolide autant que possible de formules d'ingénierie importantes tout en donnant à tout ingénieur la possibilité d'appliquer les formules par le biais de formulaires prêts organisés.
Get rid of the advertisements by buying the General Engineering (Paid) version.
This free version has STOPPED adding calculation modules. It will only fix any possible bugs.
New modules are ONLY added to the paid version.
Any positive constructive critique is welcome. And if you want more modules to be added, we'll be very glad to do so.
But please concentrate on important hard-to-follow formulas when calculating manually. This application is meant to ease calculations without getting lost between the variables of the engineering equation or formula.
Please write the review in either English or Arabic. The computer translation is weak.
Please read the description till the bottom. It's important.
In this application, You can send the calculation results via:
- Email (at least get Gmail client for Android installed)
- Skype (if installed)
- SMS (The usual classic mobile messaging).
- In paid version only: A log of all calculations done with a time stamp so you don't have to repeat calculating them.
The application covers the following topics:
A table of units.
A table of physical constants.
Forward and backward conversion between units (more than 50 conversions).
From applied maths for engineers:
1- Geometry area and volume.
2- Finding the location of centroids of important shapes.
3- Finding the roots of 2nd,3rd,4th, and 5th degree equations with complex roots too.
From electrical and electronic engineering:
1- A module for Ohm's Law . It helps you find either Power,Resistance, Intensity, or Voltage.
2- Resultant sum of either of Resistances, Capacitors, or Inductances whether they are in series or in parallel. you can have up to 10 elements (which is more than enough)
3- A module to find the change in the value of the motor resistance of the wire windings after getting some heat through runtime
4- Voltage Drop
5- Resistance value using colour codes
6- Wheatstone Bridge
7- Butterworth Tee LC Filters (High pass and Low pass)
8- Chebychev Tee LC Filters (High pass and Low pass)
9- Butterworth equal component Filters (High pass and Low pass)
10- Pi attenuator
11- T-attenuator
12- Helix Antenna Design
13- Battery life
14- BJT Transistor Bias Voltage Calculation
15- Non-inverting op-Amp resistor
16- Zener diode
17- Radar Range
From Mechanical Engineering:
1- Resultant sum of two forces acting at the same point
2- Using the altitude and the latitude given by the GPS in the phone, find the exact value of the gravitational acceleration of the earth.
3- Rectangular Beam Deflection (hollow and solid)
4- Round Beam Deflection (hollow and solid)
5- Internal screw thread shear area
6- External screw thread shear area
7- Cam-with-follower Profile determination. Ici, vous pouvez voir les deux coordonnées du profil de la CAM sur une étape de 1 degré seulement, et obtenir le profil tracé afin que vous puissiez voir à quoi cela ressemblerait.
The following are Functional ONLY in the Paid version
*- Light Lux meter
*- Shear and Shear Force
*- Cartesian Fluid Flow Analysis.
*- Beams : Moment of inertia+Section Modulus+Radius of Gyration.
*- Beams : Stress & Deflection studies.
*- Interpolation on Saturated Steam Tables
*- Heat transfer through walls.
*- Heat loss from pipes wrapped with insulators.
The application uses GPS. It's used only in taking the coordinates for the sake of calculations. If you are in doubt that we might steal your coordinates, you can use the manual input option. Vous avez été averti. Merci.-*