Steer your car conveniently protected by security systems FLASHPOINT GSMFLASHPOINT GSM application designed to manage car security system FLASHPOINT (
Steer your car conveniently protected by security systems FLASHPOINT GSM
FLASHPOINT GSM application designed to manage car security system FLASHPOINT (Stopol) with your smartphone.
The application is developed to model the car alarm FLASHPOINT M1.
The application allows the user to FLASHPOINT:
- To manage the protection of any number of cars;
- Control the basic functions of the system;
- Manage the additional control commands
and a variety of devices and functions of the security system;
- Keep history srabotok all sensors
security system;
- Perform remote engine start
Press repeatedly through safe
three keys;
- Promptly and conveniently perform sensitivity control all areas of sensors;
Application displays the current status:
The driver's door and passenger
System voltage,
Engine temperature and interior.
The application positioning:
- With the GPS-module
- By sending SMS-messages
- By sending MMS messages
- Display of the last known location of the vehicle
The application provides a quick and easy programming of all the phone numbers:
- For voice messages
- For SMS-messages
- For service numbers
- For a number of control modules GSM-channel.
Reliable protection of personal code.
Authorization only after checking the code on the server in the system.