This application allows you to calculate your BMI in a push of a button,This application allows you to calculate your BMI in a push of a button,All yo
This application allows you to calculate your BMI in a push of a button,
This application allows you to calculate your BMI in a push of a button,
All you have to do is to put your weight and height and press on calculator icon.
The application calculates daily caloric that your body needs in a push of a button.
Put your gender, weight, height, age, physical activity and press on calculator icon.
The application allows control the number of calories per day.
Calorie counter to lose weight.
Food calorie calculator.
How many calories are in the food?
- It's for everyone.
- Immediate result.
- Very friendly and simple to use.
- It's free!
- It tells you if you are normal weighted.
- Gives you your BMI in less then 2 sec.
- it tells you how many calories you need daily.
- Definition of the total amount of calories consumed per day.
- Write down every time how many calories you ate.
- Calculates how many calories left to eat by the daily allotment.
- An excellent food calorie chart.