If you are really a fisherman, you should easily identify all the fish.• If you are a fisherman.• If you like to sit not only with a fishing rod on th
If you are really a fisherman, you should easily identify all the fish.
• If you are a fisherman.
• If you like to sit not only with a fishing rod on the shore.
• If you always want to know who got you hooked.
Check out our quiz, it will fill up your knowledge.
Fish have a number of amazing features and abilities. They live in the water, breathe with gills. But a lack of oxygen they adapt as they can - begin to "breathe skin, intestine or swim bladder. They can creep into different pond, burrowing into the mud or sand, plan over the water and hunt for insects, jumping on the mangrove trees. They can live both in very cold or in hot water almost, in fresh and salt water, in the oceans and swamps. Guided using echolocation, and have a unique body - the "sideline", which none of the world's animal don’t have.
There is very little fish and very large. Body length from bull-pygmy only 0.8 cm and the whale shark - 19 m. Science knows 33000 species of fish. So, there are more than reptiles, birds and mammals combined.
Can you definitely identify what kind of fish you caught? Test yourself and save information for future.
Quiz is very simple. Look at the photo, or at fragment of photo, and constitutes a correct answer from 14 letters. You can remove the "extra" letters using the tips of two kinds. You can also ask for help from friends in social networks.
There are 50 levels in game, updates are coming soon.