A mobile app to support ISGCON 2016. All information of ISGCON at your hands.App to support execution of ISGCON 2016. A short brief of important featu
A mobile app to support ISGCON 2016. All information of ISGCON at your hands.
App to support execution of ISGCON 2016. A short brief of important features of this app:
- Scientific Program information date and day wise in Schedule.
- All participating national and international faculties in Speakers.
- Set your favourites both by any respective Speakers or Topics.
- Register for entire ISGCON 2016.
- Register for Coffee with Expert specifically by clicking to Star icon.
- Make your post, and share your experience in POST.
- Give your rating to each talk, by holding each topic.
- Get other information of Gala night, Emergency Contacts, Nearby Places, etc. in menu.