FB Friends Trivia - Know your friendsKnow your Facebook friends better through this fast paced, entertaining and exciting FB Friends Trivia app.Questi
FB Friends Trivia - Know your friends
Know your Facebook friends better through this fast paced, entertaining and exciting FB Friends Trivia app.
Questions are asked on your friends based on what they like to do, watch, listen, study, play etc.
You can either choose a friend and play the FB Friends Trivia on him/her or let us create a fun filled quiz for you based on your friends. You are given 3 lives to complete a FB Friends Trivia.
FB Friends Trivia has two Game modes:
1) Pick a friend - Select any Facebook friend and questions will be asked on them.
2) Random friends - Friends Trivia will randomly pick your friends and generate an exciting quiz for you.
A facebook user should have more than 15 facebook friends to play with this app. FB Friends Trivia includes time attack where you get 15 seconds to answer any question.
We do not store any information just use facebook provided information based on your privacy settings and try to create questions on your friends, to let you know them and have fun.