Limitless individual mobility - now also with Germany-wide Deutschland-TicketFahrPlaner app for limitless individual mobility: public transport, bike-
Limitless individual mobility - now also with Germany-wide Deutschland-Ticket
FahrPlaner app for limitless individual mobility: public transport, bike-sharing, car-sharing, taxi or on foot. Regional and countrywide, accurate to the meter and to the minute.
Mobile tickets are available for all of Germany with Deutschland-Ticket as well as for all public transport services within the Bremen/Northern Saxony transport association (VBN), South-Lower Saxony transport association (VSN), regional trains within the Niedersachsentarif (Lower Saxony).
RoutePLANING: places, destinations, addresses or stops within Bremen, Lower Saxony, Bremen, Hamburg and Rostock with train information for all of Germany
RouteCHOICE: train, bus, tram, footpath, bike, bike-sharing (nextbike), car-sharing (cambio), Taxi Deutschland (Taxi-Ruf Bremen), parking buildings, bikes and pedestrian routes
RouteWAY: all booking offices and points of interest (POI) along your selected route
RouteTIME: connections and departures with real-time forecasts
RouteALARM: push messages on the current traffic situation for your subscribed connections - also available as commuter alarm!
RouteCOST: price information for public transport tickets of Niedersachsentarif (Lower Saxony), VBN (Bremen/Lower Saxony) and other transport associations.
Further information on FahrPlaner and on the booking of germany-wide Deutschland-Ticket is available at
Information about access rights:
The app can access your contacts so that you will be able to select an address as starting point or destination for the connection search function. You can change this access right at any time via the settings.
The access to the camera is needed to personalise icons with own photos used for “My addresses” as well as to be able to add own photos to send via feedback form in the app.
Based on your location the app can show you preferred stations and connections in your vicinity.
Should you decide to subscribe to the push service an anonymous device ID will be stored on our server in order to allow us to send you the requested information.
These access rights will not be used for any other purpose. You can change your consent anytime via app or system settings. More information about our privacy policy is available within the app and at our website
The FahrPlaner app was realised with funding from Bundesministeriums für Digitales und Verkehr, Landesnahverkehrsgesellschaft Niedersachsen GmbH, Zweckverband Verkehrsverbund Bremen/Niedersachsen und Senatorin für Bau, Mobilität und Stadtentwicklung in Bremen.
The integration of the airport data was realised in the Green Sustainable Airports project as part of the European Interreg IV B North Sea Programme, supported by the European Union with funds from the European Regional Development Fund.
The data for the Points of Interest is derived from Openstreetmap ( "© OpenStreetMap contributors". The data is licensed under the Open Database Licence (
Source and licence details for excursion destinations
Data: © OpenStreetMap ( and its contributors
Licence: Open Data Commons Open Database License (
All information without guarantee.
© 2024 Verkehrsverbund Bremen Niedersachsen,
Niedersachsentarif GmbH, HaCon Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH, eos.uptrade GmbH