Find the best weather, sun, moon conditions and light for outdoor photographyFind appropriate weather and astronomical conditions for landscape, natur
Find the best weather, sun, moon conditions and light for outdoor photography
Find appropriate weather and astronomical conditions for landscape, nature, travel, outdoor photographers and astronomical observers. The program is the advanced Golden Hour, Blue Hour, Dusk, Dawn calculator and many-many more. Must have for professionals, advanced amateurs and just for fun.
Free without Ads! Made with photographers for photographers.
Helps for better planning, to calculate an appropriate shooting date and time to build a composition using the sun, moon, stars, daylight, night, season and weather conditions at any date-time and latitude-longitude point all over the world.
Key features:
- Can work offline without internet connection
- Sun or Moon ephemeris for any date
- Golden and Blue Hours calculator
- Civil, Nautical and Astronomical Twilight calculator
- Sunrise, Sunset, Moonrise, Moonset calculator
- Sun and Moon ephemerides calculator (altitude and azimuth)
- Moon phase calculator: New Moon, Full Moon, Crescent Moon, etc.
Exsate Golden Hour calculates more complex conditions, for example:
- The best time to shoot start and deep sky objects
- Crescent or Full moon at blue hour
- Date of sunset or sunrise at given azimuth
- Allows you to construct your own condition: Crescent Moon low above the Horizon in the West at Blue Hour for example!
All of the listed above the program represents for you in three easy to understand ways: as a summary table, as a diagram and renders on the Google Maps.
Thank you and gorgeous shots!