Gorgeous and functional todo list & task list management app.Gorgeous and functional todo list app. Gain productivity now!**No pills requiredEveryDay
Gorgeous and functional todo list & task list management app.
Gorgeous and functional todo list app. Gain productivity now!*
*No pills required
EveryDay is a simple and functional to-do list and task management app. A beautiful minimalist design helps you focus on getting things done.
Boost your motivation and find ways to get more productive with EveryDay Task List & ToDo List.
Check out our Web App: https://app.evrdy.com
Add to EveryDay Chrome Extension (integrated with your GMail!) you're gonna love:
♥ tasks import
♥ great user experience
♥ quick add task widget
Todo List features:
♥ fully drag and drop - move your tasks and create subtasks freely!
♥ start adding new tasks in the place you want - just drag and drop our Innovative Orange Plus Button
♥ hierarchical trees of tasks and subtasks
♥ create subtasks on the fly (header buttons!)
♥ swipe right to mark as done/undone
♥ swipe left and modify fast!
♥ double tap on a task to edit inline! (supports continuous adding too!)
♥ hide completed tasks
♥ view all completed tasks
Task features:
♥ swipe left or right to move to another task fast
♥ notes
♥ due date
♥ reminder
♥ recurring task (ie.: to repeat task every week)
♥ add url/link - via share page option in your mobile web browser
♥ subtasks
Manage your lists:
♥ double tap to edit name or delete list
♥ drag and drop to move up or down
Shared Lists:
♥ share your lists with others!
For EveryDay PRO users (paid):
List Widget
♥ access your lists and due dates from your Home Screen
♥ light and dark theme
♥ and it looks good!
More info about EveryDay PRO here:
Try out other EveryDay widgets - add task with one touch!
Use the voice recognition option to speed up the process of creating your lists, todo tasks, notes.
Now you can add tasks/ideas while you are driving your car!
Full sync - EveryDay may be synced across all your supported devices.
You have a full control over your daily duties.
EveryDay is available for free but has some limitations.
Unlock EveryDay PRO for $2.99/month and be more productive, more info here:
This is a one-time fee for one month access to Pro features. Subscription will not renew automatically. But it is possible to extend your Pro subscription for a few months upfront.
You can extend it at any time!
Learn more about EveryDay Task & ToDo List here: http://evrdy.com/
Log in to Web App here: https://app.evrdy.com
Follow our blog at: http://blog.evrdy.com/
Google+: http://plus.google.com/110897850171111869314
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/evrdycom
Twitter: http://twitter.com/evrdy_com
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/company/EveryDay