Euretina Congress AppTo build on the enormous success of last year’s congress in London, theProgramme Committee ofEURETINA is delighted to provide an
Euretina Congress App
To build on the enormous success of last year’s congress in London, the
Programme Committee of
EURETINA is delighted to provide an exciting scientific programme for Nice.
The meeting will once again
host many of the popular traditional features of the EURETINA programme,
such as the Kreissig Lecture and
Furthermore, the 15th Congress will once again host the 2nd World Retina
Day. With the input of
leading national societies from around the Globe, the World Retina Day will
offer delegates a thoroughly
international insight into medical and surgical retina. I personally feel
that this level of international
involvement will enhance the EURETINA programme and bring the next Congress
an extraordinary
opportunity for global networking.