Sidewalk Buddy : use cualquier aplicación mientras camina con seguridad con una ventana de video emergente. Sidewalk Buddy es una aplicación gratuita que le permitirá usar su otro
Sidewalk Buddy : use cualquier aplicación mientras camina con seguridad con una ventana de video emergente.
Sidewalk Buddy is a free app that will allow you to safely use your other apps with a clean and resizable pop-up which shows a live video feed from your rear facing camera as you walk and type. Texting and walking safety issues are gone! Navigate busy streets with ease, get more work done and be able to multi-task with safety in mind. A diferencia de las aplicaciones transparentes basadas en la pantalla, esta aplicación proporciona una separación limpia entre el video y la aplicación que está utilizando sin estar demasiado ocupado. Esta aplicación es solo para fines de entretenimiento.
La grabación de video y fotos están disponibles solo con compra en la aplicación.
Características gratuitas:
-walk and text, surf the web, use social media apps such as Facebook, chat, sms and download apps while on the go
-resizable pop-up video window that allows you to customize your screen preference while you walk and type
-double-click the notification bar to go to settings
-widget available
PAID Features
-Take photos or video directly from the popup window (with in-app purchase)
Press and App Reviews:
"It handles the problem better than similar apps that overlay video feeds in a full-screen transparency layer."
" Sidewalk Buddy is a new app that tries to make the world safer for distracted pedestrians, whether they're texting, browsing Facebook or playing a game."
"I personally give up on either the walking or texting part after the first pedestrian-on-pedestrian collision, but Sidewalk Buddy may finally be the solution we've all been looking for."
"So now you can send all your text messages and check all your emails while you're literally on the go without knocking someone over or even hurting yourself. Just make sure you bring your buddy with you. If you are that person or know someone who walks around recklessly, make sure you tell them about this app"
NOTE: Some apps that utilize camera or video playback features of your phone may cause crashes to this app.
SAFETY GUIDELINES: Download at your own risk, theSOULwithin Apps is not liable for any injuries resulting from using your phone and this app. Please do use your phone responsibly while in public, there is no substitute for simply stopping to use your phone if you are outside around people and traffic. And definitely do not ever use your phone while driving! Come on now, you know better! Esta aplicación es solo para fines de entretenimiento.
This app is a free app to help text and walk safely. Paid features include a stealth video record on the window that can be used as a secret video recorder or the photo feature can be used as a spy camera app to get photos of things along your way.
Sitio web:
Please email us at: [email protected] if you have any issues or concerns and we will be happy to help!