Juego de defensa de línea (Tower Defense TD) en Day of the Dead (Dia de los Muertos) ¡su emocionante tiempo de aventura sobrenatural! Es hora de ir a un viaje increíble
line defense game (tower defence TD) in Day of the Dead (Dia De Los Muertos)
It's thrilling supernatural adventure time! ¡Es hora de hacer un viaje increíble a la morada del mal durante el Día del Festival de los Muertos (Dia de los Muertos), la contraparte mexicana de Halloween y lucha con fantasmas y espíritus!
¡Cómo sobrevivir después del apocalipsis zombie, si la ciudad está infestada de criaturas como esqueletos que dejaron la residencia del mal, cuyos atronadores de los hermosos huesos, de su tumba para matar! ¿Cómo proteger su hogar, cuando la noche está oscura y llena de terrores y malvados fantasmas y espíritus tienen poderes sobrenaturales y habilidades únicas para atacar? Cómo sobrevivir en vacaciones mortales y no convertirse en un zombie blanco, cuando toda la gente del pueblo grita: teme a los caminantes blancos y las almas muertas llenaron las calles. These rage demons are not very fast, but very dangerous! Cada minuto estás en peligro, debes actuar de manera rápida y efectiva para sobrevivir, cuando el fin de semana mortal se convierte en apocalipsis zombie. Si tiene suficientes fuerzas para mantenerse con vida en un pueblo maldito donde los esqueletos de la sangre que deambulan con calaveras de azúcar y zombis han dejado la residencia del mal. Play the game the Deadly holiday Halloween games to know the answers of these questions.
FEATURES of game the Deadly holiday Halloween games:
• MIGHTY HEROES. Hired brave heroes Mexicans, they have the unique skills to attack and their special features help them survive after zombie Apocalypse. Help to brave heroes Mexicans to defeat hordes of zombies and bring their dead souls back to their residence of evil.
• SMELL OF DEAD IS EVERYWHERE. Set up your strategic defenses against hordes of zombies. You will meet many ghosts and spirits, which look like peaceful skeletons with sugar skulls, but these death souls want to eat your brains. Among of them, the corpse bride. Don't let her to trick you with her bright sugar skull.
• TACTICAL DECISIONS. Use todos los poderes que tienen a los héroes valientes a los mexicanos para defenderse, colóquelos en el campo de batalla contra esqueletos sedientos de sangre, fantasmas y espíritus cuando comienza el apocalipsis zombie. Correctly choose a hero with lethal weapon. Destroy white walkers with special range and melee attacks. Use deadly weapons, including dynamite and bear traps. Construct barricades to keep hordes of zombies away.
• EXCITING PLOT. It's thrilling supernatural adventure time during the day of the dead (dia de los muertos) celebration. You will see skeletons, ghosts and spirits whose rattling their lovely bones and bite you with their colorful sugar skulls. You'll find out from where in our city appears this evil creatures and how to survive after zombie Apocalypse.
• A LOT OF MISSIONS. Step by step you will open new mighty heroes Mexicans and a variety of skeletons and lost souls, among whom the Dead bride. Protect yourself in a variety of locations: paranormal haunted House, zombie town, Halloween cemetery.
Cómo jugar
• Click on the icon of the brave hero and put him on the battlefield, so the white walkers can't break through into the living world.
• Hire as many as you can the Mexican guitarists. In this Day of the dead they bring blessing (money) of Katrina, the goddess of the underworld, to hire new mighty heroes.
• Drag bombs and other explosive items to lost souls.
Dia de los muertos is a very colorful and beautiful Mexican holiday, somewhat similar to the American Halloween. Its family holiday dedicated to the memory of the dead, and in these days the souls of the dead visit their home. Dead souls have their own world in which they live and also look forward to the Day of the dead to visit the living. In the game “Deadly holiday Halloween games” the spirits appears in the role of negative characters, their aim become souls of the living. Brave heroes Mexicans are trying to bring the dead back to their world through the blessings of Katrina, the goddess of the underworld.