Amazing Ecstasy/mdma Live wallpaper pictures of Ecstasy Pills, Mdma powder mollyAmazing Ecstasy/mdma Live wallpaper pictures of Ecstasy Pills, Mdma po
Amazing Ecstasy/mdma Live wallpaper pictures of Ecstasy Pills, Mdma powder molly
Amazing Ecstasy/mdma Live wallpaper pictures of Ecstasy Pills, Mdma powder (aka molly). Switches between Tons of pictures including close up shots of pure molly/mdma as well as all kinds of assorted Ex pills and pharmaceutical pills as your background wallpaper picture. Also includes various other drugs including Pharmaceuticals (Oxy, benzos) magic mushrooms (shrooms), cocaine, marijuana, heroin, meth, and more!
This live wallpaper automatically scrolls through these Ecstasy wallpapers as your background image every few seconds.
Perfect for E-tards, Hustlers, pimps, players thugs, gangstas, Gs, drug dealers, to have as their background and impress the ladies! Totally free with no ads or permissions! The best live wallpaper out there.