take a quick look on the latest published news on Echorouk website...With "Echorouk Online الشروق" application you can now simply and easily take a qu
take a quick look on the latest published news on Echorouk website...
With "Echorouk Online الشروق" application you can now simply and easily take a quick tour on the summary of the latest news published in the website of the Algerian daily "Echorouk" in different categories (National, world, economy, sport, etc...).
The latest publications are synchronized automatically at application start -or manually- and can be read in offline.
You can also:
> Share the publications.
> Show Echorouk Youtube channel...
Version 4.0:
> New group "Echourok Alarabi magazine", also avaible as a separaite application from the same developer in this link: https://goo.gl/za7lt7 .
Version 3.9.1:
> News sources updated.
> Fixed the problem of repetition of articles in some sections.
> Internal improvements.