Two and jikir/dhikr in bangla from quran and sunnah. Search, bookmark, share ... important two and jikir from the Quran and Sunnah. Bookmarks, Search, Share.
Dua and Jikir/Zikir in Bangla from Qur'an and Sunnah. Search, Bookmark, Share ...
Important Dua and Jikir from Qur'an and Sunnah. Bookmarks, search, share ...
Hisnul Muslim [Fort of Muslim] - The Android version of this book is our app [Hisnul Muslim Bangla]. In it the Qur'an is compiled from the Sunnah to the Doa and Ziki. The original book said. Saeed ibn Ali ibn Wahf al-Qaahtani compiled. Translated Dr. Abu Bakr Muhammad Zakaria, published
Hisnul Muslim Bangla (Hisnul Muslim Bangla) is an Android app that contains the Qur'an and Hadith, which is very important for every day. There is no ad, it can be searched by Bengali phonetic and it is completely free !!
It is originally based on the book Hisanul Muslim (the fort of Muslims) by Saad ibn Ohf al-Qahtani.
• Twenty -two prayers of the Quran and Hadith
• Debt repayment, Dua of anxious state, Zikir before sleeping, Zikir after the obligatory prayer, waking up, waking up, morning and afternoon Ziki and many of the necessary prayers and zikir.
• It has meaning, pronunciation, reference, virtue with the door.
• Bookmark the facility of bookmark
• by the search options Bangla Phonetic
• The benefit of sharing the dua
• 1 Arabic font
• There is no ad
• Full Free
May Allah reward all those who have given labor to publish Dua Ziki Muslim Bangla (Hisnul Muslim Bangla).
Thank you all on behalf of the Hisnul Muslim Bangla team of Dua Ziki.
If you get a mistake or need a feature, the comment requested to comment, so that the Hisnul Muslim Bangla team can correct the mistake, add new features.
Keep us in your prayer, God fulfills our tongue, heart with His yiki, Amin.