Dua Reminder With Time Interval Including Audio TranslationNote for Kitkat users :- As Per Google Documentation from API 19 i.e Kitkat all exact repe
Dua Reminder With Time Interval Including Audio Translation
Note for Kitkat users :- As Per Google Documentation from API 19 i.e Kitkat all exact repeating has been changed to inexact repeating so there will be 2 to 3 minute delay when schedule reminder for first and 2nd time.
Our Beloved Holy Prophet(peace Be Upon Him) has told us a lot of times to recite Dua(Invocation) whether you are happy Or sad. But we as a human being often forget to recite Dua. The MAIN PURPOSE of this application is that It will reminds you between any specific time(Your Desired Timing) To Recite Dua before performing any Work.It contains unique notification tone which Reminds you To recite Dua. You can Schedule any Dua between any time on any day.
It also Contains Benefits of Surah's to recite On Specific day.
Manage Reminders
Masnoon Dua's
Benfits Of Surah's
Audio Translation
Reminders On any day Of week
Automatically suspend Schedule Once Time is up
User Friendly And Easy To Recite/Read.