Organize your books,dvds and cds with DisketteDo you have a large collection of cds and dvds? Sometimes searching what you need in your collection of
Organize your books,dvds and cds with Diskette
Do you have a large collection of cds and dvds? Sometimes searching what you need in your collection of discs could be frustating. Specially when you don't remeber in which cd you put it, you have to read one by one what you wrote on the cds to find the cd you need.
With Diskette, you just write the number the app gives to you on your cds. Insert into the app a list of keywords which reflects the contents of the cd for the number you wrote on the disc. (Ex: Food receipes (Pasta al sugo, Tandoori Chicken, Fried Rice, Brownings). Thats it, now when you need to find something just use the search tool in the app. The app will tell you disk number which contains the content you're searching for. So you don't need to read cd by cd it's content to find what you need. Isn't it easy?
You can backup your catalogue to an online server (Completely free) and share it with your family members.