Surfen, Alter! Mega gewinnt und große Spins! Spielen Sie jetzt! Machen Sie sich bereit für episches Surfen und unglaubliche Slots! Hören Sie den Ozean, reiten Sie die Wellen, nehmen Sie die Schönheit auf
Surfen, Alter! Mega gewinnt und große Spins! JETZT SPIELEN!
Get ready for epic surfing and incredible slots! Hear the ocean, ride the waves, take in the beauty of the Australian coast – all while playing killer slots! Surfer Slots has got everything you ever wanted!
► LA Beach MEGA wins!
► 20 Rollenschlitze und Ihre Wahl der Linienzahl!
► kostenlosen Bonusmünzen und glückliches Preisrad alle 4 Stunden
► Blue Sea HD graphics, Epic HD sound
► Level Up: Kostenlose Münzen, mehr Linien, größere Wette Max!
► Double Down on your slot machine wins and ride a wave!
► Chillin on the beach with auto-spin, free spins and mini games galore
► Double your waves with boost multiplier!
► Wild Surfing with Wildcards
► iPhone! Android! iPad und Tablet!
► Willst du mehr tolle Spiele und coole Apps? Überprüfen Sie unsere anderen Spiele
► Mehrsprachige Benutzeroberfläche: Kostenlose Online -Slots in Ihrer Sprache!
Dude, we have got to go to Australia NOW! Why bro, what's going on? It's the world's largest slot surfing tournament! Everyone is going to be there! Grab your board and let's GO!
Hey bro! Grab your long board! Let's catch a few waves! Why the long board, bro? How else can you surf and play slots, the short board can't handle both! That's right, you heard it first here – surfing slots on the sea! What could be more exciting than mega wins and wipeouts!
Dude, lets head down to the beach and catch some waves! Ya bro, that sounds awesome! Do you think there will be some nice waves today? I hope so man! I just hope I don't wipe out! Don't worry – wiping out is skill! Especially if you do it playing slots!
We are all equal before the waves and the slots! This is a teaching of the great Surfer Dude! He also said, if you're having a bad day catch a wave! Surfer Slots is by far the hottest slot game around. One spin on this slot game will send you flying down a wave! Pack your board, sing a song and score those FREE spins! Multi-line slots with lots of wipeouts – who could ask for anything more!