Sei ein König, mach was du willst! Datum 7 Liebhaber, Anhang und Gebiet erweitern! Road of Kings - Endless Ehree ist ein aufregendes neues Empire -Simulations -RPG, Whi
Sei ein König, mach was du willst! Datum 7 Liebhaber, Anhang und Gebiet erweitern!
Road of Kings - Endless Glory is an exciting new empire simulation RPG, which combines with strategy war games! You will experience the King's life! Das Spiel achtet zur Detailverarbeitung, damit die Spieler in das kaiserliche Management, die politische Intrigen, den brutalen Krieg, die militärische Strategie und die kokette Romantik eintauchen können!
In particular: you can turn on PEACE MODE then will not be attacked by others!
●Be a king and build a harem, fight for honor, fight for love.
Romantic encounter will happen between you and seven beautiful, influential girls (even more, depending on your personal charm)! They are all glamorous princesses from different countries, such as the United Kingdom, Japan, China and Egypt. When the princesses start dancing, nobody can take their eyes off them!
● Recruit a series of legendary heroes
Recruit heroes and complete combat missions. Each hero has a 3D model and unique skills! You are supposed to add each hero to your favorite!
●Enjoy the rich rewards in game
It doesn't affect your work at all! Send the hero to fight automatically - idling, can get a lot of rewards! You can accumulate wealth by idling every day. Unlike other SLG, no one can completely destroy your Kingdom! Enjoy the game as much as you can!
●Raise a family
Lovingly cultivate your children into brilliant persons!
Make friends and convert enemies into friends, fight for your throne!
●Join the PvP
You can play against other players around the world, fight for honor!
Would you choose to occupy enemy countries, imprison rival Lords and conquer their queens? Will you free the prisoners of war?
Or would you choose to be a peace-loving King, marry a princess and start a family -- lovingly raise your children to be brilliant adults?