The Official App of the Brand Dasmassivhaus . We realize high -quality monolithic solid houses in the latest energy standards in the best German
The Official App of the Brand Dasmassivhaus .
We realize high -quality monolithic solid houses in the latest energy standards in the best of German craftsmanship.
The buyer and his wishes are in the foreground at Massivhaus Mittelrhein GmbH. We are characterized by a straightforward way of working in planning and construction. Each client can expect a high level of commitment from us and our partners, which goes beyond normal. Thus, the builders can take care of the pleasant sides of building: selection of materials and sampling. We discreetly do the time -consuming authorities in the background.
We notify users of this app about news and important news about the " Dasmassivhaus " brand. To do this, you will be notified of which trade fair our brand and company can be found soon. You can also contact us with the help of this app.