V.I.Dal. The Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian LanguageThe Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language (Russian: Толк
V.I.Dal. The Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language
The Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language (Russian: Толко́вый слова́рь живо́го великору́сского языка́), commonly known as Dahl’s Explanatory Dictionary (Russian: Толко́вый слова́рь Да́ля) is one of the major explanatory dictionaries of the Russian language. Contains about 200,000 words and 30,000 proverbs. Collected, edited and published by Vladimir Ivanovich Dahl (Russian: Влади́мир Ива́нович Даль), one of the most prominent Russian language lexicographers and folklore collectors of the 19th century.
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