I do not know exactly how to spell a word or phrase in Romanian? Find out now! Cum se scrie? - is an application for those who want a variant of doom,
I do not know exactly how to spell a word or phrase in Romanian? Find out now!
Cum se scrie? - It is an application for those who want a variant of doom, much more efficient. You can find out when a word is written with a single "i" or more, when a word is written "tied" or "unraveled", which the shape of a word is correct, and not least, you can find out what is the correct plural form.
We will try to keep the application as updated (weekly updates), and each version will have a new set of +100 words/expressions from Romanian.
Cum se scrie? - It's at the beginning. We want to see the opinion of users about this idea. We have many plans for the future, but we want to satisfy users first.
Cum se scrie? - It is an application that any Romanian speaker should have (to write correctly).
If you want to be sure that you write correctly in Romanian, this application is helping you!
Why do we have to write and speak correctly? Well .. first of all, not to laugh, especially in front of a large audience. Suppose we are the winners of a mathematics contest and we present ourselves at its award. We are invited on stage. We may not hold a speech, but two words should still say. Given that we are also pressed by emotions (suppose we do not speak alone, but we have an audience), if we do not have very well sedimented in mind, "the expressions", we can make us laugh. And instead of being applauded, we make a moment of entertainment.
For this reason, we must be very careful about how we write and how to write correctly. The Romanian language is a language that has many exceptions. These exceptions make it more "complicated".
And now, we invite you to install the application - Cum se scrie? - and honor us with a more serious and useful review.
Write correctly!