launch nuclear missile on the enemy towerWelcome to Crazy Control free game launches missile cheap fashion frenzy !Aboard a cannon tower defense anti
launch nuclear missile on the enemy tower
Welcome to Crazy Control free game launches missile cheap fashion frenzy !
Aboard a cannon tower defense anti bomb you start up your ammo
the last round ! Assured destruction ! After the fall of the wall and
latest ad that launched the propaganda love war leaders
all countries are engaged in a show of force escalation launching
bombs more powerful ! we called this period of history !
The hot love alias is when it is not hot brief return to our sheep
Crazy Control is an action game or bombs that you throw the advantage of not only being
explosive or we can destroy the scenery is reminiscent of other games!
A 2 player game on the same mobile each sharing an area of the screen to play!
Simple controls a pleasure to destroy and break everything in the enemy !
Crazy in control while barred following a technical bug you can for example
start a fire before the tale down !
A classic for veterans in two camps this game is revered as the first honored the
memory of former fighter of the Unknown Soldier at the decorated hero medal for surviving !
For the history of the project code names was spotted enemy !
The team is happy to share pooandplay free Crazy Control !
Thank you yours supports means a lot to us!
Crazy Control