Lets play "CONNECT 6" !!Do you know that the game known as "CONNECT6" (六子棋, Rokumoku-Narabe) ?Connect 6 is a game similar to Gomoku.The rule of Connec
Let's play "CONNECT 6" !!
Do you know that the game known as "CONNECT6" (六子棋, Rokumoku-Narabe) ?
Connect 6 is a game similar to Gomoku.
The rule of Connect 6 is simpler than Renju
There are three rules.
1. Only the first hand, black put only one stone.
2. After that, place two stones alternately in black and white.
3. Those who arrange six stones vertically, horizontally, diagonally are the winners.
It is a simple game that anyone can easily enjoy.
- CPU or PvP.
- Two CPU thinking routine. ("aggressive" or "clever")
- Undo turn.
- Zoom-in-out of the board.
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