The cheapest rideshare & cabs from Uber, Lyft, Sidecar, Flywheel & moreLassu makes finding the cheapest and closest rideshare & cabs as simple as poss
The cheapest rideshare & cabs from Uber, Lyft, Sidecar, Flywheel & more
Lassu makes finding the cheapest and closest rideshare & cabs as simple as possible. Our app aggregates information from multiple rideshare & cab providers including Lyft, Uber, Sidecar, InstantCab & Flywheel, displaying the cars nearby so you know exactly which rideshare or cab provider works best for you. Lassu also estimates prices based on the distance and time to your destination.
The process is easy:
1) Choose your origin and destination by using a 'press & hold' or 'click' on the map respectively,
2) Watch as Lassu updates all rideshare & cab providers locations and prices automatically,
3) Tap the button of the rideshare or cab provider that works best for you! You'll be directed to their app to book your ride.