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Sincere thousand years - Full
Author: Vu Anh Tuyet
Category: Love language
Source: Collectibles
Status: Completed
Chan Tinh Ngan Nam
The last woman could not cry out loud. The hot and hot male base was getting bigger and bigger, getting hotter in her body, constantly moving strongly. The female emitted continuously in Russia, the weak and weak of her body. "N a ......" Her rusty sound, relentlessly from the small mouth in humming, unable to swallow the saliva, follow her the corners of her mouth, more and more sex. The male hands gripped her waist tightly, starting to be crazy and high and lower, moving deeper and deeper into her small acupuncture point, coming in and out very quickly. The small hands of the girl hugged him, the whole body wrapped on him, even though he moved his head to moan, there was a hot flow fluctuating in the body of the two. "Nga ...... N ...... It's so evil ......" He arbitrarily swinging, the small waist also coordinated his speed, high and low. The strong and tough man, deeply stabbing, seemed to want to dissolve his whole body into one with her body. "Ah ...... Vuong ...... enough ...... Ngo ......" "Is that enough? I am not even enough! ” Not paying attention to the girl under the body from moaning, it gradually moved because of groaning, continuing to move deeply. She was more and more unable to accept, fear, he wanted to penetrate her body, took her, crushed her, a kind of anonymous sacrifice purpose, deeply died. "Ah ...... Vuong ...... Stop ...... Van praying ...... stop ......" She couldn't, her whole body trembled, her breasts were red. The feeling of her acupuncture flower a quick shrinkage, wanting to reach the climax, the man brought the desire to draw, he changed another position, let the girl bring her back to him, kneeling on his stomach, the second time from behind, starting to go in and out. "No need ...... Vuong ...... forgive me ......" She chanted. “Isn't this like this?! Why do you want me to forgive you? " She screamed continuously, her tough peak flowers made red, even the snow pears were infected with a red color. "Ah ...... A ......" She finally refrained from the collision of the strong man, fainting. He did not accept a little bit of her influence, continued the law, straight to him. "What's wrong ...... Why is this dream?!" Her hands covered her small face, now she, her face was so red like that of cooked shrimp eggs. Recently, I don't know what to do, always dreaming about this kind of dreaming red face. The bizarre is that, in a dream is not very different, but every time the woman is not the same, the only unchanged is the other man, but looking at that man, her heart has a kind of bizarre feeling. But when it comes to this feeling strange, it seems that they have known each other for a long time …… Shake their heads. ” Strange, what happened recently ...... Ah! Eight o'clock, it's late to school! ” Sacrifice to the alarm clock store. Hurry to bring up, instead of uniforms on the wall, after the simple speaker washed his face and brushed his head, took the book bag on the chair, immediately went to the school. “Oh oh ...... are all caused by this harmful dream! Every time I see it every time late. ” She ran and resented.