Carta beldia is the ultimate game featuring traditional maghrebi card.Carta beldia is the ultimate web portal featuring traditional maghrebi multiplay
Carta beldia is the ultimate game featuring traditional maghrebi card.
Carta beldia is the ultimate web portal featuring traditional maghrebi multiplayer card games, available on facebook and for mobiles.
Key features :
• A set of card games inspired by Moroccan culture and accessible from one single platform: Ronda, Kdoub, JbanTabak etc. ;
• Multilingual: Supporting French, English, Arabic, Moroccan and Tifinagh dialect
• Multiplayer: Up to 4 players per game ;
• Multiplatform: playable on Facebook, on the web Portal « » and on mobile phones;
• Customizable platform via multiples card and background themes, in-game chat & wizz ;
• 4 game modes: Solo, Survival, Versus and Multi;
• Leveling based on the scoring of the player;
• Ingame Achivement system ;
• Online ingame shop for various themes, wizz and powerups ;
• Global online ranking ;