** Your Best Carnival Street Block Social Guide **- List of Street Blocks: See the city blocks in an orderly manner with the use of our Super Filter
** Your Best Carnival Street Block Social Guide **
- List of street blocks:
See the city's blocks ordered with the use of our super detailed filter, look for the name of the block and confirm presence to insert in your agenda and find your CarnaCrush.
- Agenda:
Share your block schedule with your friends! Now you will never get lost with the date and time of the funniest blocks! Just confirm presence in the application that we will make your organization and send a notification 24hrs. Before the block starts! In addition, you can still filter your schedule with pre -selections such as "Today", "tomorrow", "this week", "this month" and "custom selection".
- CarnaCrush:
The meeting is already scheduled !!! Visit the Carnacrush and enjoy those who also confirmed presence in the same blocks as you! Get a combination and exchange messages with your flirtation through our chat!
- Filter:
Search based on the neighborhood, zone, date, distance, number of confirmed, estimated audience and others!
- Map:
All blocks of the most pumped carnival cities, with map filters such as: today, from today and all. Find the best route to get to any block you want as you want thanks to our Google Maps integration.
- Genres:
The most anticipated function at Carnablocos has arrived! You can now know new blocks through the musical style and theme of the block. Whether it is pagoda, samba, axé or even a family block, child, adult, LGBT and more!
__ Evaluate the quality of the block;
__ Make and watch your comment with our users within the “group chat”;
__ See your friends who confirmed presence;
__ Seek the best route to reach your block;
__ Learn the start and end time;
__ Mark presence to be notified;
__ See the total estimate of participants in the block;
__ Find the route the block will make;
__ Click to buy tickets (if any);
__ See the description of the block;
__ Musical genre;
__ History of the block;
__ Link to the block's Facebook page;
__ See the streets route
__ Learn the estimated audience