The marvels of classical paintings reborn under your fingertipsThe marvels of classical paintings reborn under your fingertips* PuzzlesDrag puzzle pie
The marvels of classical paintings reborn under your fingertips
The marvels of classical paintings reborn under your fingertips
* Puzzles
Drag puzzle pieces from the drawer at the bottom of the screen to the center. Repeat to finish the puzzle.
Press puzzle piece to relocate it.
Click on the “Menu” button or “Back” button on your mobile phone to see the reference image.
We have a wide selection of classical paintings in all different sizes.
Da Vinci, Millet, Van Gogh, Lautrec, Klimt...
Images are being added frequently
Finished puzzles can be viewed collectively Various ways to enjoy your finished works will be shortly available.
* Registration
Registration is not required but recommended for the sake of safer storage of your game data, in the case of reinstallation of this application or other similar risks. Registration is very simple, and only requires an e-mail address.
* Coins
On your first play and on your registration, you will receive a coin gift package.
You can use the coins to buy puzzles.
For example, if you buy a 100-piece puzzle, you will need 50 coins.
When you finish the puzzle, you will be awarded 100 coins.
By finishing smaller-scale puzzles, you will be able to collect enough coins to challenge yourself to larger-scale puzzles.
Coins cannot be charged by any other means but by finishing puzzles.
Only sheer effort will earn you coins.
tag :
puzzle, jigsaw puzzle