Quickly check-in from Phone or Android Wear. It suggest near your known venues.A specialized check in app for Swarm (aka Foursquare).It suggests when
Quickly check-in from Phone or Android Wear. It suggest near your known venues.
A specialized check in app for Swarm (aka Foursquare).
It suggests when you near previously visited venues, from your smartphone or Android Wear device.
* Check in suggestions:
* Power save: It doesn't use GPS in default. Saves power using fused location, which efficiently determines the location of your device.
* Push enabled: Uses push to automatically update your check in status if checked in using another app or device. You won't receive notifications again on the same day.
* Ready Android Wear: Instantly check in using an Android Wear equipped smart watch.
* Your feedback is highly appreciated.
* This app has requires the "Google Play Service".
* This app will work on Android 2.3.3 or newer. However RECOMMEND (for power-saving and better precision) environment is Android 4.4 (KitKat) or newer; And set enable the "Scanning always available" at the Wi-Fi settings.
* This application uses the foursquare® application programming interface but is not endorsed or certified by Foursquare Labs, Inc. All of the foursquare® and Swarm® logos (including all badges) and trademarks displayed on this application are the property of Foursquare Labs, Inc.