Battutella is a card game that comes from the Famous Game of Scopa.Stanchi of the usual monotonous match at cards? Tired of challenging an opponent and
Battutella is a card game that comes from the Famous Game of Scopa.
Tired of the usual monotonous match at cards? Tired of challenging an android opponent with intellectual skills equal to 0? Then Battutella is the game for you.
Nowadays it can be defined as the Scopa 2.0
You will not find other similar games on the store, so watch out!
Battutella summarizes different variations of the famous broom in a single game.
The basic rules are precisely those of the classic broom, with some simple additions:
1) If 3 equal cards are placed at the beginning of the game, the deck is mixed again.
2) The game ends when one of the players exceeds the threshold of 32 points. In the event of a tie reached this threshold, the winner will be the one who will total more points in the next match.
3) Ace Pigliene: the ace of any seed collects all the cards on the game table, unless there is already an ace on the ground, limiting the player in this case to collect only this card.
4) Battutella : if at the beginning of each new hand you have 2 cards of equal value, you have Battutella ; This involves the addition of one more point on your score.
4.1) If both players have Battutella during the same hand, only one point to the player will be added with the highest card pair in value.
5) Rondinella: If at the beginning of each new hand you are in possession of 3 cards of equal value, you have made Rondinella; This involves the addition of five more points on your score.
6.1) If both players we have Rondinella during the same hand, the points will be added only to the player with the triple of higher cards in value.
7) Naples: you can increase your score through Naples; If at the end of the game you have the ace, the two and the three of Denari, 3 points will be added to your score.
This value is increased for each card of denarii owned, following the normal progression of the cards values (eg: 1-2-3-5-5-> 5 points, 1-2-3-5-> 3 points)
8) If inside the same hand and between strictly consecutive shifts, the player on duty manages to collect the card just discarded by the opponent, the relative score will be increased by a point as a real broom.
8.1) The combination of the previous rules and the classic rule of broom (i.e. the collection of the last card on the table), produces a double broom.
Simple no?