Bangkok City Transit Information - Bus, MRT, BRT, Boats/Ferry information1.Find out the details of all the city bus, BRT, MRT,Boats by numbers/lines2.
Bangkok City Transit Information - Bus, MRT, BRT, Boats/Ferry information
1.Find out the details of all the city bus, BRT, MRT,Boats by numbers/lines
2.Get transit details (both direct and via routes) from source to destination
3. Get all transit at a given location
4. Find the fare, estimated timelines for most of the transit
5. Geo coding enables to identify the nearby transit stops close to you
6. Set reminders, so that the application automatically alerts you once the stop is reached
7. See the map for the current location
Also, all this information is available offline and no internet connection is needed
Note: While we have made all efforts to make this database 100% correct, please use as per discretion. The owner shall not be liable for any damage nor any guaranteed redeemable benefits.