Wayang Kulit (Bagong Kembar) plays by puppeteer Ki Seno Nugroho. Offline audio. About Bagong Kembar Ki Senos leather puppets Enjoy the best collectio
Wayang Kulit (Bagong Kembar) plays by puppeteer Ki Seno Nugroho. Offline audio.
About Bagong Kembar Ki Seno's leather puppets
Enjoy the best collection of Javanese leather puppets in a play entitled Bagong Kembar, performed by Dalang Ki Seno Nugroho. The Bagong Kembar puppet play tells the story of the Bagong twins who cause havoc in the Astina kingdom. Like it or not, the real Bagong was affected - accused of being the culprit of the riots that had occurred and was about to be punished by the Pandavas. So what will happen to Bagong next? Who really created the tempest in Astina? Was the mystery of the Bagong twins solved? Who are the puppet characters involved? Install and find the answer.
Puppeteer Ki Seno Nugroho was born in Yogyakarta, on August 23, 1972. He graduated from the Indonesian Arts Middle School, Yogyakarta, in 1991. Ki Seno studied puppetry since he was 10 years old. Often he joined his father when he was performing. Little Seno was very impressed with Ki Mantheb Sudharsono. Ki Seno was able to master and be able to combine the two styles of pakeliran Yogyakarta and Surakarta. Work on his skills is very prominent in working on chess. Spontaneity flows in the dialogue that is delivered during the stage, intriguing, funny, full of meaning.
The Javanese are the largest ethnic group in Indonesia originating from Central Java, East Java, Yogyakarta Special Region, Indramayu Regency (West Java), and Serang-Cilegon Regency / City (Banten). In 2010, at least 40.22% of Indonesia's population was ethnic Javanese.
Featured Features
* Offline audio. All audio can be enjoyed anytime and anywhere even without an internet connection. There is also no need for streaming, so it really saves on data quota.
* Shuffle feature. Plays random audio automatically. Providing a different and entertaining experience, of course.
* Repeat / Repeat feature. Plays all or every audio automatically and continuously. Makes it easy to listen to all available songs automatically.
* Play, pause, next, and slider bar features. Provides full control on every audio play.
* Minimal permission (excuse me). Safe for personal data because this application is not taken at all.
* Free. Can be enjoyed completely without paying a dime.
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