BackUp All SMS,Contacts and Call History and Restore them with ease.Description:The BackMeUp App is a very simple and easy to BackUp & Restore Phone.
BackUp All SMS,Contacts and Call History and Restore them with ease.
The BackMeUp App is a very simple and easy to BackUp & Restore Phone. Using this App you can BackUp All SMS,Contacts and Call History as well as Restore them.
If you interested in Vegantaram BackMeUp App then Search for "BackMeUp" or follow this link: <a href="><b>Here</b></a><p><br>★ You can create BackUp files by date and time.<br>★ You can Restore files as per your selection.<br>★ Everything is accessible via your device's external storage.<br>★ You must have SD Card for creating BackUp.<br>★ All SMS,Contacts,Call History BackUp files will store in different folder with date and time format.<br>★ If folder is not exists on SD Card by default it will create folder.<p>Explanation of the permissions<p>Write to external storage - Save BackUp files to your external storage.