Baby Phone Speed Dial is a pretend phone with recorded voice messages & picturesBaby Phone Speed Dial is a great app for your kids to play with. Not o
Baby Phone Speed Dial is a pretend phone with recorded voice messages & pictures
Baby Phone Speed Dial is a great app for your kids to play with. Not only do they get to play with a visually appealing pretend phone, but they get to also make pretend phone calls to family members and friends and hear pre-recorded messages.
Some of the features of Baby Phone Speed Dial Free are:
- A visually appealing pretend baby phone
- When the numbers are pressed, the number is spoken audibly, helping the child learn their numbers
- Users can set up each number to make a pretend call to someone. You can set a picture and record a short audio message for the child. Whenever the child presses the speed dial on the baby phone for that person, the person's picture is shown and the recorded message is played.
- Save pictures and record messages for up to 10 different speed dials
Your child will love being able to make pretend phone calls to his/her parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, friends, and more!