Make away-smarter work better with your Nest thermostatI love my Nest, but I wrote Away Smarter to fix one thing I did not like: Sometimes my Nest wou
Make away-smarter work better with your Nest thermostat
I love my Nest, but I wrote Away Smarter to fix one thing I did not like: Sometimes my Nest would get confused and say we were 'auto-away' when we were really still home. I would notice this when I was suddenly chilly after sitting upstairs for a while.
This application watches to see if your cellphone is in the house, if it is it assumes you must be as well. It only uses this information to 'veto' auto-away detection, so as long as you are the type to never leave your cellphone at home it will always do the right thing. Even if others in your house don't use this application or a cellphone.
After a week of use, come back to this application to see a report of how many times it has made you more comfortable.
Please this is a beta test and I wrote this free application for fun. If you see problems please send me an email at the address below rather than giving a low rating. If you have ideas for how this application could be better please also send me an email.
Away Smarter will always stay free, but someday I might add an optional donation button.
"Away Smarter works with Nest"
I'd love any feedback at [email protected]