An app for self hearing test that can be used as a subjective screening testAudiometer for Android is an app from Indonesia for self hearing test that
An app for self hearing test that can be used as a subjective screening test
Audiometer for Android is an app from Indonesia for self hearing test that can be used as a subjective screening test. Users with suspected hearing loss could bring the result to a medical doctor to get further examination and treatment.
1. Pure Tone Audiometry: automatically determine the hearing threshold and level of hearing loss
- manual and calibration
- automatic test (approx 15 minutes)
- manual test (for audiologist)
- the audiogram and level of hearing loss that can be saved
2. Self Diagnostic [COMING SOON!]
- three category: baby under 12 months, children under 5 years old, and children > 5 years to adult
- questioning symptoms in detail
- the summary of the diagnostic that can be saved
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