Talk and Meet People from Buenos Aires, Cordoba and All Over ArgentinoCe people and find the love you are in search of love or the person indicates
Talk and Meet People from Buenos Aires, Cordoba and All Over Argentina
Know people and find love
If you are looking for love or the indicated person, Argentina Chat is for you.
Argentina Chat is an application of free appointments and talks for all the people of Argentina.
- Tell and meet people from Buenos Aires, Córdoba, Rosario, Mendoza, Tucumán, La Plata, Mar del Plata, Salta and all parts of Argentina.
- Argentina Chat is only for Spanish speakers.
Find and salt with your half orange!
With Argentina chat, you can:
• Meet new people and talk with her.
• Chat and message with the ability to share images.
• Have your own profile and wall.
• Talk to nearby people, maybe they are in your neighborhood or city!
• Send gifts to your half orange.
• Images and news of amazing people.
• Add friends.
• Notifications for comments, messages and I like it.
• Receive and like other people.
• Member search.
• You can see who has visited your profile and who interests you.
• Improve your account and come with a VIP.
Argentina Chat is safe and we will not share your information with third parties.
Other people can't see your details unless you choose to share them.
Argentina chat strictly prohibits the publication or distribution of pornography or any other type of sexual and adult content.
Enjoy, it's totally free!