دعنا نغزو العالم السلمي حيث تعرض الشيطان للضرب! ■ دعنا نتغلب على العالم الهادئ حيث تعرض الشيطان للضرب! أنت ضابط أركان أ
Let's conquer the peaceful world where the Devil was beaten!
■ Let's conquer the peaceful world where the Devil was beaten!
You are a staff officer of a kingdom.
You need to employ the fighter under unemployment, need to devastate an enemy's town, and need to conquer the world!
This game is the "tower offense strategy game" of the 8-bitRPG style with much black humor!
■ "A level raising" is unnecessary!
The level raising for which this game requires time and effort and time does not occur.
أنت بحاجة إلى توظيف المقاتل الذي قُتل الشيطان وأصبح حراً بكميات كبيرة ، والكثير من الناس ويحتاجون إلى السيطرة على بلد أجنبي!
■ "Complicated operation" It is unnecessary!
Since a town will be freely attacked if a fighter is stationed, you can devastate a town by easy operation!
Let's Anti JRPG!