tic tac toe! أقوى VS أقوى! Tic Tac Toe Game ، China China ، Taiwan ، المعروف أيضًا باسم Tic Tac Toe ، دائرة لحم الخنزير على سيخ ؛ هناك أيضا TIC
tic tac toe! Strongest VS strongest!
Tic Tac Toe game, mainland China, Taiwan, also known as Tic Tac Toe, circle pork on a skewer; There is also a Tic Tac Toe, called OX chess, tic-tac-called Hong Kong more than three-level, three-level, is a kind of pen and paper game. 2014-3-13
- add a start screen
- bugs fixed
- Better layout
- Add ad
- Ability to change the difficulty of the computer
- Ability to change who move first