هذا التطبيق يجعل طفلك يتعرف على العديد من الفواكه والخضروات من خلال الصور. هذا تطبيق التعلم للأطفال الصغار لتعلم أسماء فرو مختلفة
This app make your kid recognize several fruits and vegetables through pictures.
This a learning app for young kids to learn the names of different fruits and vegetables with their pictures and pronunciation. This educational app will help your kids to learn and recognize fruits and vegetables. It is best for the age group of 4-6.
The app “Fruits and Vegetables” have 3 categories ie Fruits, Vegetables, and Quiz. في الفئتين الأولين ، هناك صور للعديد من الفواكه والخضروات إلى جانب وصفها التي تخبر فوائد الفواكه والخضروات. In the last section, there is a quiz to check the performance of your kids by asking them to recognize the right option from the given pictures.
Interactive interface
An informative description of fruits and vegetables
Pronunciation of words
Easy to swap forward and backward
This app develops the senses of kids and makes them sharp. They start to recognize things and become quick learners. It is a colorful app and the fun graphics attract the kids.