اعمل طريقك من خلال غرف تحدي الموت المليئة بالعقبات المختلفة. Exiled هي لعبة حركة صعبة حيث يكون هدفك هو الركض من خلال DE
اعمل طريقك من خلال غرف تحدي الموت المليئة بالعقبات المختلفة.
Exiled is a challenging action game where your goal is to sprint through deadly stages full of spikes. You have to work your way out of the stages while avoiding spikes, breaking walls and overcoming other obstacles. You will encounter diverse situations where you are required to figure your way out, so mindlessly rushing forward wouldn't help much.
Beware, this game can get pretty challenging pretty fast, so don't loosen up!