أفضل لعبة بطاقة جسر العقد - لعبة شهيرة مماثلة ل Call Bridge و SPADESSUPORTS جميع أحجام الشاشة في جميع الهواتف والأجهزة اللوحية ذات الحجم الصغير
Best contract bridge card game - popular game similar to Call Bridge and Spades
يدعم جميع أحجام الشاشة
يناسب جميع الهواتف والأجهزة اللوحية
Very tiny size
لاعبي المستخدم و CPU
مناسبة لجميع اللاعبين ألعاب المستوى
Best logical built in players
المساعدة والتلميحات المتاحة
Simple and addictive UI Design and easy settings
ممتع للغاية وسهل اللعب
خيار رائع لتمرير الوقت
Call break card game is a addictive and popular card game of tricks, trumps and bidding which is played by four players. Call break card game is normally played using a standard international 52-card pack. In call break card game the cards of each suit in rank from high to low AKQJ-10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2. البستوني هي ترامب دائمة في لعبة بطاقة Call Break: أي بطاقة من Sebade Suit تتفوق على أي بطاقة من أي بدلة أخرى. If a player succeeds in call break card game, the number called is added to his or her cumulative score. بخلاف ذلك ، يتم طرح الرقم المسمى في لعبة بطاقة Call Break. بعد نهاية الخامس أو 13 من الجولة العشرين ، يتم تحديد الفائز ، حيث يعتبر اللاعب الذي يحمل إجمالي نقاطًا أعلى الفائز في اللعبة. Call break card game is very much popular in Nepal and India. Call break card game is also popular in Bangladesh and some other Asian, middle east and European countries. In Bangladesh Call break card game is known and played as call bridge card game with some different rules and scoring system. Call break card game is also very much popular in North America as Spades. The difference between Spades and call break is by game length, scoring and call bidding system. In call break card game, game length is fixed number of rounds, but in Spades game length based on fixed score. Others rules and game logic are almost same.
Search key : Call Break, Call Break+, call break, call break free card game, call bridge, call bridge card game, spades, free card game
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