Full-text instant search over your Documents/Files, Contacts, and Apps.Full-text instant search over your Documents/Files, Contacts, and Apps - An eff
Full-text instant search over your Documents/Files, Contacts, and Apps.
Full-text instant search over your Documents/Files, Contacts, and Apps - An efficient powerful search engine and launcher on your Android.
✔ FILES Search - by name, extension, and Fulltext search INSIDE: PDFs, Office, ebooks , etc. (see formats below).
✔ CONTACTS Search - by name, NOTES, emails, phones, postal addresses, organization.
✔ APPS Launcher - by name, and over app description on Google Play
✔ Google Query Suggestions - get query suggestions and take your search online.
✔ Fuzzy search - keyboard typos and misspells tolerant. Always on, fast, and intelligent.
✔ type-ahead - sub-second instant results appear as you type (index search, typeahead, substring).
✔ Matches preview - See the context of each match to judge results relevance (like in web search).
✔ Files Search By Metadata - Search MS Office 2007+ and OpenOffice documents, Music songs, and video files by Author, Title, Artist, Album.
✔ Recently Modified Files View - Care about recent files like pictures you took today, files you downloaded a minute ago, a document you recently edited? See them regardless of the folder they're in, with the innovative fast flat view of all files in the device SD card, sorted by when they were modified
✔ Recently Installed Apps View - So you could easily get to the app you installed two days ago but can't remember its name.
✔ Off-line search - No data connectivity needed. Can search over what you downloaded in an offline browser.
* Supported files formats: PDF, EPUB, FB2, MP3, MP4, word (DOCX), excel spreadsheet (XLSX), powerpoint presentations (PPTX), OpenOffice docs (ODT). QuickOffice files, markdown (md), cached Evernote notes.
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AndroSearch is perfect for the on the go lawyer, doctor, business man, or student.
Universal grep file system search (Conjure, Synapse, Mac Quicksilver, Alfred, Everything, Docfetcher).
Similar to Spotlight on IOS, and Google Now on Android. or Ava find on PC.
Could complements S-Finder on Samsung devices.
Note: No SMS/Calendar/email search implemented yet, but I'm working on it. Cheers!