Browse Acupuncture School in USA. Accredited Acupuncture Schools only listed.This Acupuncture Schools in USA app is a compilation of all of the Accre
Browse Acupuncture School in USA. Accredited Acupuncture Schools only listed.
This Acupuncture Schools in USA app is a compilation of all of the Accredited Acupuncture programs that are in the United States of America.
American Acupuncture Schools are now springing up all over the place which is awesome. It's exciting to see the profession excel as we gain more recognition and the ignorance of this powerful medicine is demystified.
This Acupuncture Schools USA app is geared towards helping you decide the best location for you to start your Traditional Chinese Medicine career. You will be able to browse through the Acupuncture & Traditional Chinese Medicine Schools that have received an Accreditation and also be able to review that Accreditation.
Go straight off of the app to the website and browse all the great things they have to offer.
Categories of Acupuncture Schools are listed by State and all of their information, emails and contact numbers are provided.
The Acupuncture Schools in the USA app prepares the prospective student with the prerequisite books and a catalog of all of the things they will need for this new journey into becoming a Doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine.
Categories of things needed by the students-
-Required Reading Acupuncture Books
-Sharps Containers
-Acupressure Supplies
-Reflexology Supplies
-Cupping Supplies
-Moxa (moxabustion) supplies
-Acupuncture Charts
-Acupuncture Models
This Acupuncture Schools in US app will save you time and energy by making it easy for you or someone you love who wants to be an Acupuncturist. You will be able to see what schools have made it as an Accredited school.
If you are deciding to become & Acupuncturist and go on the path to becoming an Alternative Healer then this is your app. Keep it simple by using the Acupuncture Schools in the USA.
Looking for Acupuncture schools in Colorado, acupuncture schools in California, acupuncture schools in Arizona,
or Acupuncture schools in Oregon then this app makes the accredited schools be easy to be found & researched.
When you are in the process of choosing an Acupuncture school then you will be pleased with the ease of this app.
As a 1996 Graduate of the Colorado School of Traditional Chinese Medicine I have been involved with acupuncture and Herbology, Traditional Chinese Medicine for 18 years professionally. I have been specializing in Auricular Acupuncture, (ear acupuncture) for 18 years. I have been directly involved with the Nada, National Acupuncture Detoxification Association for 18 years. Doing addiction clinics around the Denver and surrounding areas and even in the Denver County Jail.
I have been fortunate enough to be a professor at the Colorado School of Traditional Chinese Medicine since 1997 and am currently still teaching Acupuncture theory, Acupuncture techniques, and being one of the head supervisors for the student clinic for over 5 years.
Acupuncture schools in USA are mostly geared towards making you be able to pass the Acupuncture Boards. You will also learn adjunct therapies like cupping, moxa and microsystems like ear acupuncture. The schools that also involve Traditional Chinese Medicine include herbs and herbal formulas.
Some schools allow just Acupuncture degree's and some schools allow both acupuncture and herbal degree's.
Choosing Acupuncture Schools in the USA, it's important to decide what you want to do when you graduate. If you want to become just an Acupuncturist then you should choose an acupuncture school that allows you to only do Acupuncture and skip Chinese Herbal programs.
Acupuncture works! It is amazing to think that Western medicine has only been around 200 years and Chinese Medicine has been around for over 2000 years. Some scholars say more than 5000 years of existence.
Be part of the new wave of energetic medicine healers and become an Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese practitioner and be able to treat a plethora of patients who cannot find relief anywhere else.
Download the acupuncture schools in us.