The waste App is a free service of the waste disposal operation.The waste App is a free service of the waste disposal operation of the district town o
The waste App is a free service of the waste disposal operation.
The waste App is a free service of the waste disposal operation of the district town of St. Wendel. With this app, you never miss a removal appointment, because with the alarm clock, you can have sent a notice to their mobile phones for the upcoming evacuation ahead collection day. This reminder is possible for the residual waste tons biowaste tons, the blue bins and for the yellow bag.
The weekly removal dates of the containers are not shown in the app. This Please ask the Environment Department of the district town of St. Wendel at the following number: 0 68 51809-1922.
Note: If you experience not work properly the notification, check the app's power saving mode (battery performance optimization) on your phone. The app should be excluded from the optimization, so that the notification service works. You can manage "Battery" this option in the Android settings under the item.