The pointless search for machines like cigarettes etc enough? Here you can find them################# SORRY ########################
The Pointless Search for Machines Like Cigarettes etc.? Here you can find them
############### Sorry #######################
With this free and ad -free Android app you can get a machine radar on your smartphone, never again senseless search for the next cigarette machine, looking for a mailbox or the like.
This app should help you display machines near your current location (with Google Maps).
We currently offer these machines:
Condom automatic
Bicycle tube machines
Kauf rubber machines
Several machines
I would like to ask questions or suggestions by email to: [email protected]
All of my apps are created by privately in my free time they all have no advertising and of course are free!
Information about right -wing use
GPS and Network Location Investigation We need to find machines near you.
SD cards access (change/delete) needs Google Maps to save the card information.
Test access to memory = Google Maps
Reading service configurations from Google also wants Google Maps
Show network connection, internet connection check
Before evaluating:
If you have found mistakes, bugs or problems, please send us a short email with description of your problem and refer to a 0-1 star rating, or revise your evaluation if the problem has been fixed.
Machine finder
Cigarette finder
Condom finder
Cigarette machines